We are four women exploring empowerment - what it means, how it feels, wht it looks like. It’s an ever evolving journey of curiosity. strength, vulnerability and learning.

Join our tribe - explore with us.

We run retreats to learn from each-other - all on a unified path to embodying empowerment.


with Juliette

Juliette will be holding weekly classes in Somatic Sensing; in its simplest definition Somatic Sensing is feeling our feelings and coming into communication with them to see what information they have for us. I guide us through group work in a method formulated to evoke previously unconscious understanding around our triggers and inner disturbances.

‘Know thyself’

It’s once we know WHY we are doing what we are doing, we can CHOOSE what we are doing. This is a process of developing embodied self agency and wisdom. It’s a practise rooted in compassion and curiosity.

Email: juliette@somaticsensing.co.uk

What does Empowerment

mean to me ?


.....it means to be able to embody my own uniqueness,

my truth, my authenticity.

For me this feels like a deep tuning in and listening

to how my body speaks to me -

listening to my heart voice,

my gut feelings

and to the deep-rooted intuition known and felt in my womb space.

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I raise up my voice—

not so that I can shout,

but so that those without a voice can be heard.

We cannot all succeed when half of us are held back.

Malala Yousafzai

"If you can dance and be free

and not be embarrassed,

you can rule the world."

Amy Poehler


What does Empowerment

mean to me ?


What is in empowerment to me?

For me,

empowerment is the inward journey of self-discovery -

“know thy self” -

becoming intimate and radically honest

with the many elements of the self

(thought, feeling, energy body,

physical body, learnt patterns of relating etc).

Through ever deepening self-awareness,

we develop choice in how we move in the world,

in respond in relationship, and within our own being.

Learning to clearly hear the voice inside

that speaks our hopes,

health needs,

aspirations, dreams, our ‘no’s’ and our ‘yes’s’.

Learning to honour what we truly want, feel,

and need, moment by moment

as the unique evolving beings that we each are.

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Yoga on the Beach

“Behind every great woman...

is another great woman."

Kate Hodges

What does Empowerment mean to me ?



Empowerment to me is speaking what’s true.

Not true as a definitive for everyone - but true for me.

Regardless of the consequences.

Its about having a voice and speaking up about what’s real and true, there’s no room for people pleasing here,-no room for filtering.

In expressing this truth there is the potential to loose friends, to be criticised and condemned,

A codependent need to be loved by another will not be satisfied in this embodiment.

Infact, the antithesis may well be true.

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For me, empowered in action,

actually looks like what some may sense to be the opposite of Empowered. It looks gentle, inward, restful.

It's an attunement to my internal landscape.

It's a deep honouring, for me,

of the divine feminine,

of connection, compassion and creativity. 

The more I feel able to honour my divine feminine

the more empowered I feel.

Often the word 'empowered'

has connotations of the divine masculine -

of doing, action, leadership,

direction and purpose.

For me, these too,

are valuable attributes

and we all need a healthy balance of feminine

and masculine,

but it's the expression and embodiment

of my own divine feminine that equals empowerment. 

This is intrinsically linked for me

with connection to nature, mother earth and cyclic living. 




Yoga Teacher.


Holistic voice coach


Professional singer.

It is a feeling of alignment- inner needs with the external choices, words and actions. Returning to what psychologist Carl Rogers referred to as the ‘organismic self’ - the true self; it is there when we are born, and it naturally strives towards growth, maturity and self-actualisation. If it is allowed to grow and flourish, it knows what it needs both from its environment and from other people.

Running hand in hand with this, for me, freedom has been found through knowing the Self (capitol S) to be none of these things; pure consciousness. That which exists before concept, emotion, thought, memory, identity and relationship. The same source essence that gazes out through your eyes and mine, that wills the flowers to bloom, the sun to shine, the space at the centre of every atom burgeoning with potentiality to create, live and die. That without edge and definition. The ground of being, ever present and un wavering. Where all is home territory. From here I receive a freedom to experience all states as they arise, and to explore all tones of existence (empowered or disempowered, joyful or sad, hope, fear, love, loss…).

In my work within myself, and with my clients, it seems to be the case empowerment is attained through knowing all that is moving in the self, and can be supported to bloom with knowing the consciousness Self.

Quote “know thy self” - Socrates

Herein lays the empowerment -

I speak anyway.

The only other option is I lie to myself

and therefore to others.

I have a duty to authentic expression.

This authenticity has been a long,

painful road of facing my own vulnerabilities,

my conditioning, my shadow,

my own co-dependency….

to arrive in an ever evolving and growing sense of truth.

It’s this truth that knows what i’m here for,

what’s the right thing to do, to say,

i just have to get out of my own way

and let empowerment speak through me.


Yoga Teacher


Student of Somatic Psychotherapy


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